Hey fellow Rascal PvP members and staff. I have a suggestion to share with all of you; how about we create our own TikTok account? We've all witnessed the popularity that other TikTokers have gained. Why not show off our amazing server through engaging and entertaining videos? Just imagine the battles, jaw dropping constructions and, in game moments we can capture. We'll highlight the creativity and enjoyment that Rascal PvP brings to the table. By incorporating music, clever edits and a touch of humor we'll definitely stand out from the crowd. These short video snippets will undoubtedly spark curiosity in viewers. Encourage them to explore Rascal PvP for themselves. Lets spread the word far and wide by attracting Minecraft enthusiasts to join our community on TikTok. Are you all ready to make Rascal PvP a sensation, on TikTok?
I'll talk to Moth about this, if he doesn't already respond to this post.
Hey im the owner
I just think that it will be good as it will bring a lot of traffic to the server and you could do those videos where you watch funny hackers or watch players in spectator mode and then surprise them. Then at the end of every video you could quickly plug the server and have like a free sharp 5 iron sword called the tick-tock sword or something for people who came from the account.
Hi. I've actually brought this up to Energetic several times. I support the idea. I'll let you know if the idea goes anywhere.
Your suggestion has been approved! It is now going into effect.
Hey im the owner
Thank you for putting my suggestions into action if you would like any help or more suggestions I am always here.