Technoblade crate items are hard to get, especially the sword. They should be buyable, like the Coconut great sword.
Enchanted books were in S3 and I absolutely NEEDED it. Please add it back. Price can be 7 netherite blocks for 1 enchanted books(same as last season)
I've seen many OP hats, leggings, and boots in the S3 items shop. But a chestplate? I have to use the regular enchanted netherite. I suggest adding an OP chestplate.
Pickaxes in the end now only goes up to iron(efficiency 5)? I am so frustrated that I can't mine endstone instantly like S3 now. Please add the diamond pickaxes back.
Low attribute modifiers(talismen in the map) only work when it is in my offhand. WHY? I am so used to putting a speed modifier at my second slot and switching to it when traveling and switching back to sword when attacking. There is a definite best thing to put in the offhand, and that's the technoblade sword, so please add an attribute modifier for the main hand.
One of the community rules is "no escaping the map" but I've found that especially vague. What is "outside the map"? outside the mountains? outside the barrier that surrounds the map? make it more clear.
Hi I'm the head admin
Hi. Seeing as these are several recommendations, I'll address them one at a time.
Technoblade crate items are intentionally difficult to get, especially the Technoblade sword, as it's the best sword in the game (to my knowledge). If we made them easier to get, it'd make it pointless to try for anything else.
Enchanted books are a good idea, and I'll talk with Energetic about it.
I doubt an OP chestplate has crossed anyone's mind, but I'll also bring that up.
Pickaxes are intentionally inferior to last season, as several people had over a stack of amethyst blocks. This inflates the economy, and creates a severe boosting problem throughout the community. Mindless grinding also lowers the server's reputation, which is something we are trying to maintain.
Attribute modifiers only work in the offhand to prevent rapid talisman swapping, which exploits an old Minecraft bug that we'd rather not promote. Additionally, the technoblade sword was intended to be used as a *sword*, not a talisman. I'll speak with Energetic about this to make certain.
Outside the map is commonly understood by all staff members as any part of the world that isn't contained within the mountains. More specifically, we refer to "out of the map" as any uncontained or unmodified portion of the map, above the flat world's default ground, within or without barriers. The vast majority of our playerbase understands this to be the case, as it should be clear with experience that if an area seems incomplete, you're not supposed to be there.
I hope this clears things up, and thank you for using the forums.
Edit: Wrong sword name
Getting started on RascalPVP can be tough sometimes, that's why, I wanted to suggest we add a starter pack/kit.
I wanted this to be added because today, I was on and a new player left, due to him saying this. ''This server is too hard to start on bro there should be a starter kit'' I took inspiration of that, and decided to post my idea on suggestions. I want players to be able to have fun the minute they join RascalPVP. So that's why I'm typing this now.
Please take this into consideration, and If you want, put it in your ads! I guarantee that new players will come rushing in! And it will help them out a lot!