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Is it fixed yet?
Is it just me or can you get onto rascalPvP. I tried getting on through minehut but that didn't work either it just says "An error occurred, please contact administrator". Is anybody else having that issue?
I know we already have a TikTok account, but how about we take it up a notch? Let's also create a YouTube Shorts channel to further boost traffic to our beloved Rascal PvP server! YouTube Shorts has become a sensation, and it's the perfect platform to showcase the very best of what Rascal PvP has to offer. We can create engaging and concise videos featuring intense PvP battles, stunning builds, and heartwarming community moments. While TikTok draws attention, YouTube Shorts will allow us to reach an even broader audience of potential players and fans. These bite-sized videos will leave viewers curious and excited to dive into the full Rascal PvP experience. By utilizing both platforms, we can maximize our server's visibility and create a thriving community of Minecraft enthusiasts. So, let's combine the power of TikTok and YouTube Shorts to make Rascal PvP the ultimate gaming destination! Who's with me?
If you would like any help editing I am pretty good with adding things to keep retention