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I am done with the server. Several staff were unfairly fired simply because Dragon was fired and they had something to say about it. So, I left off with a bang. distributed 30000 illegal shulker boxes into the server, op gear, illegal gapple stacks. nothing that could ruin the server, but enough to be pain to remove. hidden in all three dimensions as well as an extra 4th one. Goodbye all, and to the staff who have not been unfairly fired or outright resigned or left, good luck. This is the last time most of you will see me. I'm sorry, Spark, but I simply cannot stand in an environment where you are in control any longer. My resignation is final and I hope I never see you again, in the nicest way possible. To the staff who liked me, I apologize for leaving on such short notice. If you would like to contact me, my discord is @iswmcyt.
Tried to do an about me post but unfortunately the text layout is pretty weird here. Oh well.
IMPORTANT!! I do unfortunately have a life and am required to get an education to succeed. I will almost NEVER (with exceptions) be online on these days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are my free days. I will most likely be online on the last three days. I do however get the once in a blue moon occurrence that we all must know as "no homework tonight" and will be online for around an hour or two on those days. Thanks for reading!


about 1 year ago
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about 1 year ago
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about 1 year ago
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If anyone cares to check, I won't be online for very long today because I touch grass sometimes. Not sure why, it just looks green sometimes.

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